Friday, December 28, 2012

2011 Recap April-June

April 2011

Every Spring, if it's open for the season we like to go to Daffodil Hill. It's located in Volcano, right outside of Jackson, CA. The lady that used to own the farm, just started planting daffodils on this one hill of her farm, and every year she planted more and more, and made paths to walk through the gardens. It's really a beautiful sight to see. Thankfully, we were blessed to go on another sunny day. 

The kids had a blast running down the different paths. 

Thankfully  this year (in comparrison to the last couple of years) neither one of the kids accidentally picked any daffodils. They just got to smell them which was good enough for them. Andrew said, "But they don't smell like anything!"

Our "little" Hannah is growing up way too fast. She's already in preschool, and having a blast.  Love that girl.

Also, in April was Easter. We got to spend it with Mom Mom who lives in Sonora now. Thankfully, her niece Patti brought her to Jackson Park (Detert Park) which is half way for both of us and we got to have an Easter Egg Hunt with her. 

The kids wore bunny ears, and had a blast trying to find all the Easter Eggs that we hid. Of course Hannah was more interested in picking flowers, her favorite past time.

This one is our favorite little blue bunny. Isn't he cute?

May 2011

It's Andrew's 3rd Birthday Party! We decided to celebrate it at our house, and Andrew wanted a sports/racing themed party, so I decided to make a race-track cake. Everybody sang happy birthday to him in their loudest voices.

He got to play basketball with his new hoop.

He loved playing soccer. 

And he got a new baseball bat and t-ball set. 

Overall, he had a super fun birthday. Especially when you finish it off with birthday cake.

Since the weather has been nice, we decided to do a backyard makeover. We put in new wood shavings, and got rid off a bunch of dirt and mud. Travis and the kids worked pretty hard. I worked hard too...taking pictures!

Okay...maybe I didn't JUST take pictures. 

Yey for a nicer backyard!! much for the "nicer" weather we thought we were going to have. It started hailing right in the middle of our project! We were borrowing a friend's car and trailer to unload everything, so we had to keep going!!!

The last day of preschool arrived for Hannah. I can't believe she will be a Kindergartener this coming Fall. EEEKK! Not ready! 

She had such a fun year at Small Wonders. Definitely will be putting Andrew in the program when he's 4! She made a best friend there, Marissa. They had a blast together. I hope they will stay friends for many years to come.She even shed some tears when she had to say good-bye. 

There's her whole class in the front of the chapel on their last day. 

 I think she has grown a tad from when she started preschool. Hmmm. So glad she had a fun year!

On May 30th, Hannah rode her 2 wheel bike for the first time! We were so proud of her. 

We kept helping her down the sidewalk in front of our house, holding on to the back of the seat. Then she eventually just got it. She didn't want to stop either. She wanted to keep at it! Love her determination.  Here's a little video that shows her going down the sidewalk by herself. Good job Hannah!

June 2011

The big event in June, was Justin (Trav's brother) was getting married in Illinois and we all flew out to celebrate with him and his new wife, Jennifer. So excited for them both! Travis was a groomsmen and Hannah got to be a flower girl. She has been waiting eagerly for this day to arrive. We've red books about being a flower girl, she got to try on her new dress, and practice how to fling the flower pedals just right. 

The kids were so cute dressed up in their finest. Andrew had a nice vest on and Hannah got to wear her flower girl dress with a pink sash. For the first time ever, she also had her hair done in a real salon. Here they are taking a little break and playing peek-a-boo.

Here are Justin and Jennifer cutting their wedding cake. They were nice to each other and didn't stick it in each other's faces! 

Here we are with Grandma and Grandpa.

Unfortunately Uncle Daniel and Aunt Jenna were unable to make it. Daniel was on TDY in Greece and Jenna was working at a new job in Ramstein. So, Travis was the stand-in best man for Daniel.

On our visit, we also went to the Chicago Aquarium called Shed. They got to watch a white Balooga whale show with their cousin Taylor.

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