Friday, January 25, 2008


We have a serious issue on our hands and we need your help. Hannah has been hitting the bottle pretty hard lately upon hearing the news that she's going to be a big sister in the near future. It hasn't been the "made from concentrate" stuff either, but she's pounding the 100%. Yesterday Hannah hit rock bottom as you can see in the pictures below. Her drinking buddy Pink "pup-pup" Puppy can also been seen in the pictures as they are generally inseparable. Please help us in anyway you can, by writing letters to Hannah, talking to her on the phone or coming over and holding her on your lap as she dejuices.

Thank-you and God Bless,

Travis and Kristina
Concerned Parents

P.S. You can also see in the pictures that Little Red Riding Hood has also been affected by this tragedy. She has stopped going to see her Grandma altogether.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These latest photos are precious -- of course! They always are! Please tell her love and kisses CAN fly all the way from Missouri to California through the air, and she has some on the way to her! She should watch for them, and catch them just like bubbles!

Aunt Barb