Friday, June 12, 2009

100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs by Stephen Elkins, Illustrated by Tim O'Connor

What a fantastic book! Created by Stephen Elkins it includes children friendly bible stories that go all the way from Genesis to Revelations. It has popular stories like the Garden of Eden, David and Goliath, and Noah's Ark, but it also contains stories that are not as familiar like Naaman's healing, Ezekiel's dry bones, and Peter heals the beggar. The songs are all sung by children, and their voices are beautiful. The book comes in a soft, squishy cover that is really fun to hold and squeeze. :) Even though the age group for this book is 4-8 years old my almost 3 year old absolutely LOVES it! She liked listening to the songs and the stories were very easy for her to understand. The illustrations are very well done as well. I recommend the book highly to any parent wanting to give their child a good introduction to the bible and also to any children's ministry at a church wanting a good CD to listen to while the children play or book to read to them.

1 comment:

Salt Racer said...

We've had this book/CD set for about 3-4 years now. All of our kids LOVE it.